Portland, Place, or Thing Series - 03-03-21 (03-02-32)

Project and Title

TV Guide Title: 
Portland, Place, or Thing Series: Booktionary
Short Description: 
Everyone knows Portland is a weird, odd, kooky entity, but it's so often highlighted by a single person or event. Portland, Place, or Thing is a show to clump all those weirdos and all that weirdness together in a diabolical variety-talk show.


Received Filename: 
PPoT Mar 2021.mp4

Scheduling Request Info

Was the majority of this show's content filmed or created in the Portland Metropolitan Area?: 
Was this show produced in Open Signal studios or using Open Signal equipment?: 
Has this show aired on CAN channel 11, and/or was it produced in a CAN facility other than Open Signal?: 
Previous Airing: 
Adult Content: 
Video On Demand: 
Filler End Date: 
Tuesday, March 2, 2032
Open Signal Duplication Release: 
Technical Requirements have been met.: 

Show Details

Everyone knows Portland is a weird, odd, kooky entity, but it's so often highlighted by a single person or event. Portland, Place, or Thing is a show to clump all those weirdos and all that weirdness together in a conversational, musical, performancical, maniacal, and diabolical variety-talk show. Every show will have a theme, based on our whims, for our panel to discuss and skits, sketches and skactivites that may or may not have anything to do with anything. Bands, dancers, jugglers, comedians, clowns, acrobats, puppets, laughs, tears, numbers, letters, people, other people, We may or may not have it all so don't miss out! Variety chat show that highlights the weird and wonderful people of Portland.
Cablecast Show ID: