Cable Schedule

PCM channels are available on Comcast (Xfinity) cable in the Portland, OR area.

E.g., 02/12/2025
Channel Title Date
Channel 23 The Body*Smith Workout: CH:23: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 8:30am
Channel 22 Energy Week with George Harvey : CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 11:00am
Channel 30 Portland Children's Levy Allocation Committee Meeting 2-12-25: CH:30: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 1:00pm
Channel 11 Straighttalk: CH:11: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 1:00pm
Channel 29 Knowledgeable Aging: CH:29: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 2:00pm
Channel 11 Rose City Gumbo: CH:11: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 4:00pm
Channel 11 Voices of the Community: CH:11: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 5:00pm
Channel 11 City Club of Portland: Meet Your New District 2 City Councilors : CH:11: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 5:30pm
Channel 29 The DNA of the News : CH:29: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 5:30pm
Channel 22 A Meeting with Eli Jaxon-Bear Series: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 6:00pm
Channel 22 The Big Box Set - Ep.1 - Extra Letters: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 7:00pm
Channel 23 Keep Alive the Dream: Beyond Resilience to Empowerment 2025: CH:23: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 7:00pm
Channel 22 The Piano Lesson - Series: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 7:30pm
Channel 22 Full Spectrum: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 8:00pm
Channel 29 Cinemaniacs: CH:29: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 8:00pm
Channel 22 Joseph Hozan Ministries: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 9:00pm
Channel 11 My Iran: CH:11: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 9:00pm
Channel 22 David Little's Short Laughs: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 9:30pm
Channel 22 NightScene Redux: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 10:30pm
Channel 29 The Dungeon of Dr. Dreck: CH:29: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 11:00pm
Channel 22 Out-Rage-Us: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 11:00pm
Channel 23 Flying Focus Video Bus : CH:23: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 11:00pm
Channel 22 Cannabis Common Sense: CH:22: 25-02-12 02/12/2025 - 11:30pm