Style-City Music Presents (Series) - 02-04-25 (01-22-35)

Project and Title

TV Guide Title: 
Style-City Music Presents Ep 1008: Le Sonic, Jarv Dee, Stokoff, Wyn Starks, Sharon Hendrix, Brandon Maddox, Yafania
Short Description: 
Best music videos from all over the world. You’ll enjoy A unique blend of Pop, Rock, R and B and Country. Be sure to tune in to this channel - Because Style-City Music presents -some of the best from the music industry underground.


Received Filename: 

Scheduling Request Info

Was the majority of this show's content filmed or created in the Portland Metropolitan Area?: 
Was this show produced in Open Signal studios or using Open Signal equipment?: 
Has this show aired on CAN channel 11, and/or was it produced in a CAN facility other than Open Signal?: 
Previous Airing: 
Adult Content: 
Video On Demand: 
Filler End Date: 
Monday, January 22, 2035
Open Signal Duplication Release: 
Technical Requirements have been met.: 

Show Details

Be sure to tune in to Style-City Music Presents – for nonstop music videos. Cause we’re bringing you some of the best music videos from all over the world. You’ll enjoy A unique blend of Pop, Rock, R&B and Country. Be sure to tune in to this channel - Because Style-City Music presents -some of the best from the music industry underground. Show intro start 00:00:00:00 - end 00:01:10:02 Le Sonic Any Moment Start 00:01:10:02 - end 00:04:22:01 Jarv Dee Clouds Start 00:04:22:01 - end 00:07:40:05 Stokoff Perfecto Start 00:07:40:05 - end 00:11:06:03 Wyn Starks Who I Am start 00:11:06:03 - end 00:14:22:00 Sharon Hendrix Love Ain't Fair start 00:14:22:00 - end 00:17:55:13 Brandon Maddox Drive Me to Drink start 00:17:55:13 - end 00:21:34:19 Yafania Front Row start 00:21:34:19 - end 00:24:31:17 Style-City Music Hope start 00:24:31:17 - end 00:28:28:00 Host Outro Start 00:28:28:00 - End 00:28:28:00 show end start 00:28:28:00 - end 00:29:00:00
Cablecast Show ID: